Michelle Frost

AI Advocate @ JetBrains | Responsible AI | MS, AI | Microsoft AI MVP

Michelle Frost is an AI Advocate at JetBrains. With over a decade of engineering experience, Michelle holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of Missouri at Kansas City, a Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence from Johns Hopkins University, and is a Microsoft AI MVP. As an established AI and Machine Learning specialist, Michelle focuses on Responsible AI development. Her approach is grounded in creating AI that is fair, accountable, and transparent.

Michelle is also an active member and Tech Advisor to The Center for Practical Bioethics' Ethical AI Initiative. When not behind the screen, she can be found tending to her garden with her 100 lb pup Wilbur by her side.


Michelle is also an active member and Tech Advisor to The Ethical AI Initiative at The Center for Practical Bioethics. When not behind the screen, she can be found tending to her garden with her 100 lb pup Wilbur by her side.

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