Transforming Synchronous Web Apps with Asynchronous Messaging
M1 Jun 13, 2025, 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM
Imagine this: your application is gaining traction, users are pouring in, and suddenly—everything slows to a crawl. Requests timeout, services fail, and data is lost during peak hours. Sounds familiar?
As applications scale, synchronous architectures often become bottlenecks, leading to performance issues, fragile integrations, and frustrated users. A single delay in one service cascades across the entire application.
Enter asynchronous messaging, with the benefits of better scalability, increased reliability, better performance and decoupling of components. What is it and how can it help us achieve a more robust, resilient and reliable system? Join me to get answers to these questions.
In my session, we will look at how we can introduce and transform an existing web application using asynchronous messaging while understanding the ins and outs of this architectural choice. Whether you’re an engineer or architect, this talk will equip you with the lessons needed to future-proof your applications for growth and resilience.