The Remix Evolution: How React Router v7 Powers Fast and Resilient Apps

M1 Jun 13, 2025, 2:20 PM - 3:10 PM

Aurora Scharff

Web developer and consultant at Crayon Consulting

For 10 years, React Router has been a core part of the React ecosystem. Now, with Remix merging into React Router v7, millions of React Router apps can seamlessly upgrade to powerful features like automatic code splitting, simplified data loading, form actions, server rendering, and static site generation. This allows React developers to enhance existing projects or build new ones with ease.

In this session, we'll explore how Remix, now part of React Router, enables developers to build robust web applications that stand the test of time. Attendees will learn about its architecture, features, and ecosystem, including Remix Route Modules, which combine server-side data loading, UI rendering, and interactivity into a single, cohesive file.

We'll also cover the Remix build process with Vite, highlighting how it streamlines development and helps developers create resilient, performant web apps that can deploy across any platform.

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