Advanced Pattern Matching in C#
M1 Jun 12, 2025, 3:30 PM - 4:20 PM
Oliver Sturm
DevExpress Training Director, Software Architect, Consultant, Trainer, Developer, Author, Docker Captain
All "real" functional languages support Pattern Matching - that's not really true, but it is correct that aspects of a functional programming style benefit from elegant and syntactically compact case distinction.
Microsoft worked on Pattern Matching as a C# feature in at least three major language versions! In this talk, Oliver demonstrates how C# Pattern Matching works, why this evolution of the old imperative "switch" is so important, and how the structure of C# Code can be generally different from the past on the basis of this feature. As a conclusion, he proves that C# can now pattern match with the best, by porting a complex piece of Haskell code.